Is it a one time buy or a subscription? One time purchase that you can access it online with a login and password. The course is made up of a series of videos.
How long will it be available? Forever as far as I know
Is this just for wedding photographers or also other photographers? I think any photographer could learn about how to better their client experience with this course and how to think differently when directing your clients. But I only use couples as examples since I’m mainly a wedding/engagement photographer.
Do you explain how to use camera settings? YES! I explain all about how to get ideal settings for fast movement shots as well as settings for pretty much every lighting scenario. This includes aperture, shutter speed, ISO, focus points, etc..
Will we have unlimited access to it? YES
Are there payment plans? Not yet, but I’ll look into it
Are you planning on adding more content over time? Yes! Not all the time! But as time goes on and the videos might start getting outdated or I’ve learned new things I want to share then I’ll update the videos.
Is the material based on a certain brand of camera? I use canon so I talk about my canon gear a lot but you definitely do NOT need canon brand to full takeaway everything from this course!
How long does it take to go through the course? It’s roughly 8 hours of content!
50% Complete
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